Sometimes the wifi on my laptop misbehaves, or I just feel the need for some pinging. Previously, I had a simple wrapper script that called fping with a bunch of hostnames and the IP address of my gateway. Then I thought "what about a nice bit of gawk?" ...

Sample output

Here's some faked results. The hosts seem to be ordered by ping time (my script is not ordering them - it's just what fping returns)

 2021-10-26 20:10:03
                     HOST  LOSS  LAST
                     ----  ----  ----
        0%  ok
         0%  ok
      13%  ok
      100%  FAIL


Edit the list of targets to suit your requirements. Note: internationalisation not tested.

#! /bin/sh

# list of targets to ping

# check for required tools
command -v fping >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "ERROR: fping not found"; exit 1; }
command -v gawk  >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "ERROR: gawk not found";  exit 1; }
command -v ip    >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "ERROR: ip not found";    exit 1; }

# try to lookup our default gateway
gateway="$(ip route | gawk '/default via/{print $3}')"

# clear the screen

# continuously ping and show results
fping --timestamp --period 5000 --unreach --loop --ipv4 \
   $gateway \
   $targets \
   2>&1 | gawk '
   if ("Unreachable" == $3) {
      hostname = $11
      result = "UNREACHABLE"
      loss = "???"
      # comment out the next line if you want to see explicit UNREACHABLE messages
   } else {
      hostname = $2
      current_cycle = $4
      if ("timed" == $5) {
         result = "FAIL"
         loss = $9
      } else {
         result = "ok"
         loss = $11

   if (current_cycle != prev_cycle) {
      # clear a line to make it obvious if our end changes weirdly...
      printf "---%-70s", " "
      rawdate = substr($1, 2, 10)
      # move cursor home and print timestamp
      print "\033[0;0H", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", rawdate)
      printf "%25s  %4s  %-10s  \n", "HOST", "LOSS", "LAST"
      printf "%25s  %4s  %-10s  \n", "----", "----", "----"
      prev_cycle = current_cycle

   printf "%25s  %4s  %-10s\n", hostname, loss, result